Online Counseling
Insight Counseling and Wellness now offers online counseling, also known as telecounseling, telemedicine, video counseling, and telemental health, for clients who would prefer to see their therapist without coming into the office. Online counseling is a good option for clients who have difficulty coming in for appointments because of busy schedules, lack of childcare, or who live too far from the office.
Benefits of Online Counseling
- Keep regular appointments and maintain your goals. Meeting online, in between regular visits increases client happiness and results
- Encourages children and teens to interact with a counselor because it’s a medium they understand; online chats, internet communication
- Some clients feel that the anonymity of face-to-face provides more open and honest dialogue
- Limited Travel: Talk to a counselor without having to travel; ideal for the physically handicapped, or rural based clients
How does online counseling work? Is it right for me?
At Insight Counseling and Wellness, our mission is to help provide all of our clients with access to quality care. We believe everyone can have the life and the relationships they desire. It’s simply a matter of taking advantage of all of the counseling options available. Regular attended therapy is the best way to address the issues you’ve come to see us about. However, we will work with you in whichever setting makes sense to provide continual care. We believe that online counseling is one tool we can use to overcome challenges in regularly attending sessions with your counselor.
We use a convenient, secure, and HIPAA compliant platform to provide all online counseling sessions. It’s really easy to use, and we can even provide you with an overview of the operations prior to the appointment just to make sure that you’re ready. All you need is an interenet connection, and a computer with a camera and
It’s important to know that Insight Counseling and Wellness only offers online counseling for Ohio residents. Be sure to check with your insurance provider before scheduling a session. If your insurance does not currently cover online counseling, you can still seek computer-based therapy at our regular rates.
Although they’re are many reasons as to why some of our clients seek online counseling with us, below are just a few examples of how this service may work in your life.
- You may live in an area where it’s difficult to see a counselor on a regular schedule
- You may not own, have access to or no how to drive a vehicle
- Some people travel a lot for work, online counseling keeps them grounded in between in-person sessions
- Some people would rather not tell people in their lives that they’re going to counseling. The online options allows for the individual to maintain some anonymity
- Caregivers, kids and work obligations can make it difficult for some people to keep returning. Online counseling can bridge the gap in between live in-person sessions.